This in Javascript



If a function has a this reference inside it, that this reference usually points to an object. But which object it points to depends on how the function was called.

Here are some examples:

  1. In a method: When a function is called as a method of an object, this refers to the object.
let car = {
  make: 'Toyota',
  model: 'Camry',
  displayCar: function() {
    return this.make + ' ' + this.model;

console.log(car.displayCar()); // Outputs: Toyota Camry

In the displayCar method, this refers to the car object.

  1. In a regular function (non-method)this refers to the global object (in browsers, this is the window).
function myFunction() {
  return this;

console.log(myFunction() === window); // Outputs: true
  1. In an eventthis refers to the element that received the event.
button.addEventListener('click', function() { = 'none'; // 'this' refers to the button
  1. In a constructor function: When a function is used as a constructor (with the new keyword), this refers to the newly created instance.
function Car(make, model) {
  this.make = make;
  this.model = model;

let myCar = new Car('Toyota', 'Camry');
console.log(myCar.make); // Outputs: Toyota

The value of this in JavaScript depends on how a function is invoked (runtime binding), not how it is defined. When a regular function is invoked as a method of an object (obj.method()), this points to that object. When invoked as a standalone function (not attached to an object: func()), this typically refers to the global object (in non-strict mode) or undefined (in strict mode). The Function.prototype.bind() method can create a function whose this binding doesn't change, and methods apply() and call() can also set the this value for a particular call.

  const human = {  
    age: 10,  
    grow: function () {  
        return this.age && this.age++;  
    getage: function () {  
        return this.age;  

const grow = human.grow;  
console.log(grow());   //undefined: calling in global context
console.log(human.getage()); // 10: call on human object.

Here's the corrected explanation:

  1. The human object has an age property initialized with the value 10.
  2. The grow method increments the age property (if it exists) and returns the current value.
  3. We assign the reference of human.grow to the variable grow.
  4. When we call grow(), it behaves differently from invoking it directly on the human object:
    • The this context inside grow is determined by how it's called.
    • Since we call it without any specific context (i.e., not on any object), this inside grow refers to the global object (which is window in browsers or global in Node.js).
    • The expression this.age && this.age++ evaluates to undefined (the initial value of age), and the age property is not incremented.
  5. When we call human.getage(), it correctly returns the value of the age property, which is 10.

Arrow functions

Arrow functions differ in their handling of this: they inherit this from the parent scope at the time they are defined. This behavior makes arrow functions particularly useful for callbacks and preserving context. However, arrow functions do not have their own this binding. Therefore, their this value cannot be set by bind(), apply() or call() methods, nor does it point to the current object in object methods. In other words, when evaluating an arrow function's body, the language does not create a new this binding.

const globalObject = this;
const foo = () => this;
console.log(foo() === globalObject); // true

Arrow functions create a closure over the this value of its surrounding scope, which means arrow functions behave as if they are "auto-bound" — no matter how it's invoked, this is bound to what it was when the function was created (in the example above, the global object). The same applies to arrow functions created inside other functions: their this remains that of the enclosing lexical context.


When a function is used as a constructor (with the new keyword), its this is bound to the new object being constructed, no matter which object the constructor function is accessed on. The value of this becomes the value of the new expression unless the constructor returns another non–primitive value.

function C() {
  this.a = 37;

let o = new C();
console.log(o.a); // 37

function C2() {
  this.a = 37;
  return { a: 38 };

o = new C2();
console.log(o.a); // 38


When a function is invoked in the super.method() form, the this inside the method function is the same value as the this value around the super.method() call, and is generally not equal to the object that super refers to. This is because super.method is not an object member access like the ones above — it's a special syntax with different binding rules.

Vikash Chauhan

C# & .NET experienced Software Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the computer software industry.

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