Fundamentals Of High-Level System Design



Fundamentals Of High-Level System Design

High-Level System Design (HLD) provides an overview of a system, product, service, or process. It’s a generic system design that includes the system architecture, database design, and a brief description of systems, services, platforms, and relationships among modules.

Here are some fundamentals of High-Level System Design:

1.     System Architecture: The overall structure of the software and the ways in which that structure provides conceptual integrity for a system.

2.     Database Design: The process of producing a detailed data model of a database.

3.     Managing Trade-offs: While designing large scale applications, it’s important to manage trade-offs between consistency, availability, scalability, and performance.

4.     Key System Resources: Compute, storage, and network resources and how they can be scaled in a large-scale system.

5.     Building Blocks of Large-Scale Systems: Load balancers, proxies, gateways, caching solutions, and databases.

6.     Inter-Process Communication: This is key to architecting large scale micro-service-based applications.

The purpose of HLD is to present a clear and broad understanding of the system’s performance, scalability, and functionality. It describes the system architecture, which includes a database design and a synopsis of the systems’ platforms and services. It also describes the relationships between the modules present in the system.

In order to excel in system design, it is essential to develop a deep understanding of fundamental system design concepts, such as Load Balancing, Caching, Partitioning, Replication, Databases, and Proxies.

System Design Architectures

System Architecture is the overall structure of the software and the ways in which that structure provides conceptual integrity for a system.

There are countless system design architectures, each tailored to specific needs and contexts. Here's a list of some prominent ones, along with their pros and cons:

Monolithic Architecture

A Monolithic Architecture is like a well-built castle – everything's under one roof! All the parts, from foundation to towers, are tightly packed together. It's simple, efficient, and easy to manage. But just like a castle, adding rooms or changing the layout gets tricky, and one big crack can bring the whole thing down.


That's the gist of Monolithic Architecture in the software world. It's a single codebase where everything's connected, making it straightforward to develop and deploy. But scaling gets tough, and changes can be risky. Think of it as a strong foundation for smaller projects, but less flexible for grand renovations.

Multi-Tier Vs Multi-Layer

In the context of software architecture, the terms “multi-tier” and “multi-layer” are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct meanings:

  • Multi-layer architecture refers to how the codebase is organized into logical layers. Each layer has a specific role and responsibility within the application. For example, a typical three-layer architecture might consist of a presentation layer (UI), a business logic layer, and a data access layer.

  • Multi-tier architecture, on the other hand, refers to the physical distribution of these layers across multiple servers or machines. In a multi-tier system, each layer runs on a separate hardware platform. This separation can enhance performance, scalability, and security.

In a monolithic architecture, all the components of the application are interconnected and interdependent. In the context of a monolithic application, multi-layer refers to the organization of code into layers within a single application, while multi-tier would imply that different parts of the application are deployed on different servers.

The three-tier architecture is the most popular implementation of a multi-tier architecture and consists of a single presentation tier, logic tier, and data tier. The following illustration shows an example of a simple, generic three-tier application.

In the two-tier architecture, one tier contains presentation and logic, and data tier.  For example, Mobile app contains both UI and business logic and use Api calls to communicate with database.

To summarize, a layer is a logical separation within the application, and a tier is a physical separation of components. Most of the time, it makes sense to split the above-mentioned tiers to achieve further architecture flexibility, synergy, security, and efficiency.

·        Pros: Simple to develop and deploy, easy to manage and debug, efficient performance.

·        Cons: Not scalable, tightly coupled components make changes risky, single point of failure.


Microservices Architecture

Imagine a bustling city instead of a castle! Microservices Architecture is like a metropolis where everything revolves around specialized districts. Each district, a microservice, handles a specific task like shopping, entertainment, or transportation. They work together through well-defined roads (APIs) to keep the city running smoothly.


  • Pros: Highly scalable and fault-tolerant, independent deployment and development cycles, agile and adaptable.
  • Cons: Increased complexity, challenges in distributed tracing and debugging, higher operational overhead.

Overall, Microservices Architecture is like a flexible, adaptable city, perfect for large, ever-evolving applications. But remember, it comes with its own set of challenges. ️

Serverless Architecture

Imagine a magical restaurant where you don't need a kitchen! That's Serverless Architecture in a nutshell. You focus on crafting delicious dishes (your code), and a trusty wizard (cloud provider) takes care of the cooking (servers) behind the scenes.

  • Pros: Highly scalable and elastic, pay-per-use model reduces cost, no server management required.
  • Cons: Vendor lock-in, potential cold start latency, limited debugging options, can be expensive for long-running tasks.

Client-Server Architecture

Imagine a fancy restaurant with expert chefs and attentive waiters! That's Client-Server Architecture in a nutshell.

The kitchen (server) handles cooking and food preparation, while the waiters (clients) take orders and deliver meals. Each has clear responsibilities. Waiters communicate orders to the kitchen, and the kitchen sends back prepared dishes. They work together through a well-defined process.

All the food and recipes are stored in the kitchen, ensuring consistency and control. It's like a central hub for data and services.

  • Pros: Clear separation of concerns, improved security, centralized data management.
  • Cons: Increased network traffic, single point of failure at the server, potential performance bottlenecks.

Event-Driven Architecture

Imagine a bustling cityscape where things happen in response to events, not schedules. That's the essence of Event-Driven Architecture. The is genially use in one direction communication.  

  • Pros: Highly decoupled components, responsive to real-time events, scalable and reliable.
  • Cons: Increased complexity, debugging challenges, requires robust event handling infrastructure.

Layered Architecture

Imagine a beautiful cake! Layered Architecture is like building that cake with distinct, delicious layers, each with its own purpose.


  • Pros: Organized and maintainable, promotes code reuse, simplifies testing and deployment.
  • Cons: Can be inflexible, performance overhead due to layered dependencies, potential bottlenecks at lower layers.

Peer-to-Peer Architecture

Imagine a lively market where everyone is both shopkeeper and shopper! That's the essence of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Architecture, where everyone plays an equal role in sharing resources and completing tasks.


  • Pros: Highly scalable and resilient, no central point of failure, efficient for sharing resources.
  • Cons: Increased complexity, security challenges, potential for data inconsistencies.

API-Driven Architecture

Imagine a bustling transportation hub with interconnected trains, buses, and taxis! That's API-Driven Architecture in a nutshell. It's all about building a system where different components communicate seamlessly through well-defined routes, like a network of transportation options.


  • Pros: Enables integration with diverse systems, promotes loose coupling, provides flexibility and scalability.
  • Cons: Requires well-defined and documented APIs, increased security considerations, potential compatibility issues.

Choosing the right architecture depends on various factors

  • System requirements and functionality
  • Scalability and performance needs
  • Development and operational resources
  • Existing infrastructure and constraints

Remember, there's no "one-size-fits-all" architecture. Understanding the pros and cons of each can help you make informed decisions for your specific needs.



APIs are mechanisms that enable two software components to communicate with each other using a set of definitions and protocols.

Think of an API as a translator for applications. It lets them talk to each other, share data, and work together seamlessly.

What it is?

  • A set of rules and tools for apps to communicate.
  • Like a waiter taking orders between a kitchen and diners.
  • Different types: SOAP, REST (most popular), GraphQL.

How it works

  • Client app (like your phone) sends a request (order).
  • Server app (like a weather service) processes and sends response (food).
  • Data flows back and forth through APIs.


  • Easier development: Use existing code instead of starting from scratch.
  • Faster innovation: Adapt to new needs quickly by changing APIs, not whole apps.
  • Better integrations: Connect different apps and services effortlessly.
  • Wider reach: Offer your data and functionality to others via public APIs.

Types of APIs

  • Private: Internal to a company for connecting systems.
  • Public: Open to anyone, often with fees or restrictions.
  • Partner: Accessible only to authorized external developers.
  • Composite: Combines multiple APIs for complex tasks.

Important aspects

  • Endpoints: Specific locations where data is sent and received.
  • Security: Authentication and monitoring to protect your data.
  • Documentation: Clear instructions for developers to use your API.
  • Testing: Ensuring your API works correctly and securely.

Remember, APIs are the invisible bridges connecting the software world. Master them, and your app possibilities become endless!



It's a type of API that follows the REST architectural style, providing a set of guidelines for designing web services.

Representational State Transfer (REST) is a software architecture that imposes conditions on how an API should work.

In the context of REST (Representational State Transfer), “Representational State” refers to the state of a resource date at any given moment, which can be represented in a format that the client understands. So, when we say “Representational State”, we’re talking about a snapshot of a resource’s data (state) in a format (representation) that can be understood by the client.

Benefits of RESTful APIs

  • Scalability: They can handle large volumes of requests without performance bottlenecks.
  • Flexibility: They are independent of specific technologies and platforms, allowing for easier development and integration.
  • Independence: Clients and servers are decoupled, enabling independent evolution and updates.

How do RESTful APIs work?

  • Client sends a request: It specifies the desired resource (often through a URL) and the intended action (e.g., GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE) using HTTP methods.
  • Server authenticates and processes: It verifies the client's identity and performs the requested action on the resource.
  • Server sends a response: It includes a status code indicating success or failure, and optionally, the requested data in a structured format (e.g., JSON, XML).

Additional key points

  • Statelessness: Each request is independent and the server doesn't need to remember past interactions.
  • Caching: Responses can be cached to improve performance.
  • Code on demand: Servers can send code to clients for temporary customization.
  • Authentication: Various methods like HTTP basic, OAuth, and API keys ensure secure access control.

The following are some common status codes:

1xx (Informational):

  • 100 Continue: The server has received the request and is waiting for the client to continue.
  • 101 Switching Protocols: The server is switching protocols as requested by the client.

2xx (Success):

  • 200 OK: The request was successful, and the requested resource has been delivered.
  • 201 Created: The request was successful, and a new resource has been created.
  • 202 Accepted: The request has been accepted, but the processing is not complete.
  • 204 No Content: The request was successful, but there is no content to return.

3xx (Redirection):

  • 301 Moved Permanently: The requested resource has been permanently moved to a new location.
  • 302 Found: The requested resource has been temporarily moved to a new location.
  • 304 Not Modified: The requested resource has not been modified since the last request.

4xx (Client Error):

  • 400 Bad Request: The request was invalid or malformed.
  • 401 Unauthorized: The request requires authentication.
  • 403 Forbidden: The request was denied by the server (Permissions check).
  • 404 Not Found: The requested resource was not found.
  • 405 Method Not Allowed: The requested method is not supported for the resource.

5xx (Server Error):

  • 500 Internal Server Error: An unexpected error occurred on the server.
  • 502 Bad Gateway: The server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
  • 503 Service Unavailable: The server is currently unavailable.
  • 504 Gateway Timeout: The server did not receive a timely response from an upstream server.


Idempotency is a property of operations or API requests that ensures the same result is produced, regardless of how many times the operation is repeated. It's a fundamental property that ensures consistency, predictability, and reliability in APIs and distributed systems.

Key points about idempotency include:

  • Safe methods are idempotent but not all idempotent methods are safe.
  • HTTP methods like GET, HEAD, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, and TRACE are idempotent, while POST and PATCH are generally non-idempotent.
  • Understanding and leveraging the idempotent nature of HTTP methods helps create more consistent, reliable, and predictable web applications and APIs.
  • Most HTTP methods used in REST APIs are idempotent, except for POST.

Idempotency is crucial in APIs as it helps maintain consistency and predictability in situations such as network issues, request retries, or duplicated requests. For example, in a scenario where an API facilitates monetary transactions between accounts, idempotency ensures that only one transfer will occur, regardless of the number of duplicate requests. This principle simplifies error handling, concurrency management, debugging, and monitoring, enhancing the overall user experience.

Idempotency is important because non-idempotent operations can cause significant unintended side-effects by creating additional resources or changing them unexpectedly when a resource may be called multiple times if the network is interrupted. This poses a significant risk when a business relies on the accuracy of its data.



RPC (Remote Procedure Call) is an architectural style for distributed systems. It has been around since the 1980s. Here are some key points about RPC:

  1. Procedure-Centric: The central concept in RPC is the procedure. RPC APIs allow developers to call remote functions in external servers as if they were local to their software. This means that you can execute procedures on a server as if they were local function calls.

  2. Language Independent: Developers can implement an RPC API in any language they choose. So long as the network communication element of the API conforms with the RPC interface standard, you can write the rest of the code in any programming language.

  3. Communication: Both REST and RPC use HTTP as the underlying protocol. The most popular message formats in RPC are JSON and XML. JSON is favored due to its readability and flexibility.

  4. Abstraction: While network communications are the main aim of APIs, the lower-level communications themselves are abstracted away from API developers. This allows developers to focus on function rather than technical implementation.

Now, let’s discuss the role of Interface Description Language (IDL) and Marshalling/Unmarshalling in RPC:

  • Interface Description Language (IDL): An IDL is used to set up communications between clients and servers in RPC. You use an IDL to specify the interface between client and server so that the RPC mechanism can create the code stubs required to call functions across the network. The IDL files can then be used to generate code to interface between the client and servers.

  • Marshalling: Marshalling is the process of transferring and formatting a collection of data structures into an external data representation type appropriate for transmission in a message.

  • Unmarshalling: The converse of this process is unmarshalling, which involves reformatting the transferred data upon arrival to recreate the original data structures at the destination.

Here are some benefits and limitations of RPC:


  • RPC provides interoperability between different implementations.
  • A lightweight RPC protocol permits efficient implementations.
  • They provide usage of applications in both local and distributed environments.
  • They have lightweight payloads, therefore, provides high performance.
  • They are easy to understand and work as the action is part of the URL.


  • RPC implementations are not yet mature.
  • It requires the TCP/IP protocol. Other transport protocols are not supported yet.
  • Not yet proven over wide-area networks.
  • It can be implemented in many ways as it is not well standardized.
  • The Interface Description Language (IDL) is needed to generate subs classes for both client and server.


Remote Procedure Call (RPC) and REST are two architectural styles in API design. RPC APIs allow developers to call remote functions as if they were local, while REST APIs perform specific data operations on a remote server. Both are essential in modern web design and other distributed systems, allowing two separate applications or services to communicate without knowing the internals of how the other one works.


  • Both ways to design APIs for server-to-server or client-server communication.
  • Both use HTTP and common formats like JSON or XML.
  • Both abstract network communications.

Key Differences








Custom function calls

Standardized HTTP verbs (GET, POST, etc.)

Data format

Fixed by server; limited flexibility

Any format, multiple formats within same API


Can be stateful or stateless

Always stateless

When to use

  • RPC: Complex calculations, remote function calls, hiding processes from client and service-to-service communication.
  • REST: CRUD operations, exposing server data uniformly, easier development.

Why REST is more popular?

  • Easier to understand and implement.
  • Modern versions like gRPC are performant.
  • Faster than RPC.
  • More reliable than RPC.


Load Balancing

Load balancing is the method of distributing network traffic equally across a pool of resources that support an application. Modern applications must process millions of users simultaneously and return the correct text, videos, images, and other data to each user in a fast and reliable manner.


What is Load Balancing?

  • Distributes network traffic across multiple servers for a faster, more reliable experience.
  • Increases application availability, scalability, security, and performance.


  • Availability: Prevents downtime by redirecting traffic around failed servers.
  • Scalability: Handles traffic spikes by adding or removing servers.
  • Security: Blocks attacks and enhances security features.
  • Performance: Improves response times and reduces latency.

Types of Load Balancing

Here's a concise version of the content, covering important points about load balancing algorithms:

Two Categories:

1.     Static: Follow set rules, independent of server state. Examples:

o   Round-robin: Sends traffic to servers in turn (fair but doesn't consider server load).

o   Weighted round-robin: Assigns weights to servers for priority (better than round-robin).

o   IP hash: Maps client IP to a specific server (sticky traffic, good for sessions).

2.     Dynamic: Consider server state before distributing traffic. Examples:

o   Least connection: Sends traffic to server with fewest connections (simple but assumes equal workloads).

o   Weighted least connection: Accommodates different server capacities (more efficient than least connection).

o   Least response time: Chooses server with fastest response time and fewest connections (prioritizes speed).

o   Resource-based: Analyzes server resource usage (CPU, memory) for optimal distribution (most versatile).

How it Works

  • User requests go to the load balancer.
  • Load balancer chooses the best server based on algorithm and request type.
  • Server fulfills the request and sends response back to user.

Types of Load Balancers

  • Application: Analyzes request content (e.g., HTTP headers) to route traffic.
  • Network: Examines IP addresses and network info for optimal routing.
  • Global: Balances traffic across geographically distributed servers.
  • DNS: Routes requests across resources based on your domain configuration. It is less secure as it exposes actual server IP address to client.

Types of Load Balancing Technology

  • Hardware: Dedicated appliance for high-traffic environments.
  • Software: More flexible, scales easily, better for cloud computing.

Key Takeaways

  • Load balancing improves application performance and user experience.
  • Different algorithms and technologies cater to diverse traffic needs.
  • Choosing the right type depends on your specific requirements.


API Gateway

An API gateway is a component of the app-delivery infrastructure that sits between clients and services and provides centralized handling of API communication between them.


 It provides a unified interface for clients to access backend services. Think of it as a single-entry point for all API calls, regardless of the underlying services and their complexities.

What it is

  • Entry point for client requests to microservices & services.
  • Centralizes API communication, security, and policy enforcement.
  • Simplifies app delivery by decoupling internal architecture from clients.

Key benefits

  • Reduced complexity & faster app releases.
  • Streamlined request processing & policy enforcement.
  • Simplified troubleshooting with granular metrics.

For microservices

  • Single entry point for simplified client & service implementations.
  • Handles routing, composition, and policy enforcement.
  • Offloads non-functional requirements for faster development.

Deployment options

  • Kubernetes: Edge (Ingress controller), cluster-level (load balancer), or within (service mesh).
  • Standalone: Platform & runtime agnostic for maximum flexibility.

Not the same as:

  • Ingress Gateway/Controller: Limited capabilities, often extended with custom resources for API gateway features.
  • Kubernetes Gateway API: Standardized & improved service networking in Kubernetes, supports fine-grained policy definitions.
  • Service Mesh: Primarily for service-to-service communication, can be a lightweight API gateway for microservices.

API Gateway vs. API Management

  • Gateway: Data-plane entry point for API calls (request processing, routing, load balancing).
  • Management: Process of deploying, documenting, operating, and monitoring APIs (policy definition, developer portals).

Choosing an API Gateway

  • Architecture: Platform, runtime, cloud provider options.
  • Performance: High throughput & low latency.
  • Scalability: Vertical & horizontal scaling for traffic demands.
  • Security: Access control, mTLS, WAF, schema validation.
  • Cost: TCO comparison of custom vs. enterprise solutions.

NGINX Options

  • Kubernetes-native: NGINX Ingress Controller, NGINX Service Mesh.
  • Universal: NGINX Plus, F5 NGINX Management Suite API Connectivity Manager.

Key Takeaways

  • API gateways simplify app delivery and microservices communication.
  • Choose the right deployment option based on your needs.
  • NGINX offers various API gateway solutions for different use cases.


Rate Limiting

Rate limiting is a technique to limit network traffic to prevent users from exhausting system resources. Rate limiting makes it harder for malicious actors to overburden the system and cause attacks like Denial of Service (DoS). This involves attackers flooding a target system with requests and consuming too much network capacity, storage, and memory.

APIs that use rate limiting can throttle or temporarily block any client that tries to make too many API calls. It might slow down a throttled user’s requests for a specified time or deny them altogether. Rate limiting ensures that legitimate requests can reach the system and access information without impacting the overall application’s performance.

Problem: Malicious actors flood systems with requests, causing outages and resource exhaustion.

Solution: Rate limiting throttles requests to protect services and ensure fair access.


  • Prevents DoS attacks: Blocks attackers from overwhelming the system.
  • Stops account takeovers: Limits bot activity and credential stuffing.
  • Saves resources: Optimizes resource usage for legitimate requests.

How it Works:

  • Tracks IP addresses and request times.
  • Sets limits on requests per user/region/server in a timeframe.
  • Throttles or blocks exceeding requests.

Types of Rate Limits:

  • User: Based on individual users (IP address, API key).
  • Geographic: Specific rate limits for different regions.
  • Server: Different limits for different servers within an application.

Rate Limiting Algorithms:

  • Fixed-window: Allows a set number of requests within a defined time window.
  • Leaky bucket: Limits requests based on queue size, not time.
  • Sliding-window: Tracks requests within a moving time window starting from the last request.

Why Choose Imperva:

  • Comprehensive protection: Secures websites, apps, APIs, and microservices.
  • Advanced bot protection: Stops account takeovers and data scraping.
  • Multiple security layers: Web Application Firewall, RASP, API Security, DDoS Protection.

Remember: Rate limiting is a crucial security measure for protecting your systems and ensuring optimal performance.


Heart Beat

Show a server is available by periodically sending a message to all the other servers.


When multiple servers form a cluster, each server is responsible for storing some portion of the data, based on the partitioning and replication schemes used. Timely detection of server failures is important for taking corrective actions by making some other server responsible for handling requests for the data on a failed server.


Periodically send a request to all the other servers indicating liveness of the sending server. Select the request interval to be more than the network round trip time between the servers. All the listening servers wait for the timeout interval, which is a multiple of the request interval.



  • Maintain connections: Prevent idle connections from being terminated, ensuring availability for real-time data exchange or long-running operations.
  • Monitor health: Detect inactive or unresponsive servers, enabling proactive actions to maintain service uptime.
  • Coordinate tasks: Synchronize actions between servers or services in distributed systems.


  • Server sends periodic "heartbeat" signals (often simple pings) to clients.
  • Clients respond to confirm their presence and responsiveness.
  • If a client fails to respond within a specified timeout, server takes action (e.g., connection closure, recovery attempts).


  • Transport-level heartbeats: Embedded within network protocols (e.g., TCP Keep-Alive, WebSocket ping/pong).
  • Application-level heartbeats: Custom-built into the API logic using timers, threads, or asynchronous mechanisms.
  • Third-party libraries or frameworks: Available to simplify implementation (e.g., SignalR for ASP.NET).


  • Frequency: Balance overhead with responsiveness (typically every few seconds to minutes).
  • Timeouts: Set appropriate thresholds to detect failures without false positives.
  • Actions: Define appropriate responses to missed heartbeats (e.g., reconnection, failover, notifications).
  • Security: Protect heartbeat signals from unauthorized access or manipulation.

Common Use Cases:

  • Long-polling for real-time updates in web applications.
  • Maintaining persistent connections in chat or messaging apps.
  • Monitoring server health in load-balanced environments.
  • Coordinating tasks in distributed systems.
  • Detecting failed services or clients in microservice architectures.



Circuit Breaker Pattern

The Circuit Breaker design pattern is used to stop the request and response process if a service is not working, as the name suggests. When the number of failures reaches a certain threshold, the circuit breaker trips for a defined duration of time.



Problem: Services in microservices architecture can fail, causing cascading failures and resource exhaustion.

Solution: Circuit Breaker pattern acts as a proxy, protecting other services by monitoring and controlling calls to a potentially failing service.


  • Prevents cascading failures: Isolates the failing service, stopping it from affecting others.
  • Improves resilience: Allows the failing service to recover without impacting other services.
  • Optimizes resource usage: Limits calls to the failing service, preventing resource exhaustion.

Key Concepts:

  • States: Closed (normal operation), Open (blocks requests), Half-Open (allows few test calls).
  • Thresholds: Define failure and recovery criteria (e.g., number of failures, timeout).
  • Fallback: Handles failed requests gracefully (e.g., error message, default value).

Use Cases:

  • Protecting downstream services from a slow or unresponsive service.
  • Preventing overload and resource exhaustion on the failing service.
  • Implementing graceful service degradation during outages.

Main Example:

  • Mercantile Finance employee microservice with aggregation pattern calls various backend services.
  • Circuit breaker protects the aggregator and other services from a failing backend service.

How it Works:

1.     Closed: Normal operation, requests flow through to the service.

2.     Failure threshold reached: Circuit opens, requests fail immediately.

3.     Timeout period: Service sends test calls during this period.

4.     Test calls succeed: Circuit closes, normal operation resumes.

5.     Test calls fail: Circuit remains open, timeout restarts.

Additional Notes:

  • Choose appropriate thresholds and timeouts based on service behavior and dependencies.
  • Implement monitoring and alerting for circuit breaker states and service health.
  • Consider fallback strategies for different failure scenarios.

Remember: While some requests might fail during an outage, the Circuit Breaker pattern prevents catastrophic system failures and enables faster recovery.


Distributed Tracing

Distributed tracing is a tool for understanding how requests travel through your application in complex, cloud-native environments like microservices. Imagine it like following a detective trail for a single user request as it winds through different services and servers.

What it does:

  • Tracks a single request (think detective following footprints) as it interacts with various services (think different rooms in a building).
  • Tags each request with a unique identifier (think suspect photo) so you can follow its path.
  • Records details like timestamps and performance metrics (think notes and clues) at each step.
  • Connects the dots (analyzes the clues) to show you the complete journey of the request and identify any issues.

Why it's important

  • Troubleshooting: When your app runs slow or crashes, distributed tracing helps you pinpoint the exact service causing the problem, saving you time and frustration.
  • Performance optimization: You can see where bottlenecks are slowing down your requests and optimize your code or infrastructure accordingly.
  • Better user experience: By understanding how user requests flow, you can ensure smooth performance and avoid frustrating delays.
  • Improved collaboration: Different teams working on different services can see how their work affects the overall user experience, enabling better communication and teamwork.

Think of it this way

  • Traditional monitoring is like looking at a city from afar – you see traffic jams but not the cause.
  • Distributed tracing is like going down to street level and following the traffic jam to its source, allowing you to fix it.


  • Reduced MTTR (mean time to repair): Faster identification and resolution of performance issues.
  • Improved SLAs: Consistent user experience and better compliance with service-level agreements.
  • Faster time to market: Quicker innovation and release cycles due to efficient troubleshooting.
  • Enhanced collaboration: Clear visibility into performance bottlenecks fosters better communication and teamwork across teams.


  • Manual instrumentation: Some tools require code changes, adding complexity.
  • Limited coverage: Some tools only focus on backend, omitting frontend interactions.
  • Sampling limitations: Random sampling might miss crucial traces.

When to use it

  • Microservices architectures: Essential for understanding complex interactions between services.
  • Troubleshooting performance issues: Quickly identify bottlenecks and root causes.
  • Optimizing code: Proactively improve performance by analyzing problematic microservices.


  • Logging: Provides valuable data but lacks the comprehensive view of distributed tracing.
  • Centralized logging: Aggregates logs from multiple services, but requires careful management.
  • Distributed logging: Stores logs across the environment, reducing network load but increasing complexity.


Overall, distributed tracing is a crucial tool for observability in modern cloud-native environments. It empowers teams to troubleshoot issues faster, optimize performance, and deliver a consistent, high-quality user experience.


Message Queues

Think of message queues as a line for tasks between applications. Messages (think instructions) are sent to the queue and wait in line until another application (the queue worker) picks them up and completes the task. This allows applications to work independently, without waiting for each other to finish.


What it is

  • Asynchronous communication: applications send messages via a queue, allowing independent processing.
  • Temporary storage: messages wait in the queue until the receiver is ready.
  • Flexible processing: tasks are called and continue without waiting for responses.

Basic components

  • Queue: Holds messages in sequential order (like a line).
  • Message: Data (events, instructions) transported between applications.
  • Client/producer: Creates and sends messages to the queue.
  • Consumer: Retrieves and processes messages from the queue.


  • Protection against outages: queue buffers messages when the receiver is unavailable.
  • Improved performance: applications perform without waiting for each other.
  • Scalability: queues can handle high volumes of messages.

Examples: Kafka, Heron, Amazon SQS, RabbitMQ.

Design with Message Queues

  • Offline vs. in-line work: Choose based on user experience (e.g., task scheduling vs. immediate updates).

Microservices and Message Queues:

  • Decoupling services: queues allow services to communicate asynchronously without blocking each other.
  • Message broker: acts as a "mailman" delivering messages between services.
  • Example: RabbitMQ, a popular message broker for microservices.

Message Brokers:

  • RabbitMQ:
    • Components: producer, consumer, queue, exchange (routes messages).
    • Function: producer sends to exchange, exchange routes to queues, consumer receives from subscribed queues.
    • Use CloudAMQP for ease of use.
  • Apache Kafka:
    • More complex, ideal for high-volume streaming data.

Choosing RabbitMQ or Kafka:

  • RabbitMQ: Simpler, good for moderate workloads, microservices.
  • Kafka: Scalable, high-throughput, complex setup, real-time streaming.


Batch Processing vs Stream Processing

Batch processing vs. stream processing are two different approaches to handling data. Batch processing involves processing large volumes of data at once, at scheduled intervals. In contrast, stream processing involves continuously processing data in real time as it arrives.

Need-to-know concepts

  • Real-time vs. scheduled processing:
    • Stream processing analyzes data immediately as it's generated, enabling instant insights and reactions.
    • Batch processing handles data in predefined chunks at scheduled intervals, offering high throughput for large datasets but with higher latency.
  • Applications:
    • Stream processing is ideal for fraud detection, real-time analytics, and live dashboards.
    • Batch processing shines in ETL jobs, data backups, and generating reports.
  • Key differences:
    • Latency: Stream is low-latency (real-time), batch is high-latency (waiting for batch completion).
    • Data flow: Stream handles continuous data streams, batch deals with finite chunks.
    • Complexity: Stream can be more complex due to fault tolerance and data order issues.
    • Scalability: Both can scale, but stream often horizontally (adding more machines).

Understanding the big data angle

  • Both methods handle vast amounts of data, but the approach differs.
  • Batch processing aggregates data for deeper analysis later, while stream processing focuses on real-time insights and alerts.
  • Choosing between them depends on the nature of the data, desired response time, and specific business objectives.

Pros and cons

Batch processing:

  • Pros: Simplified processing, high throughput, good for deep analysis, resource-efficient, mature tools.
  • Cons: Delayed insights, inflexible once started, complex error handling, scalability challenges.

Stream processing:

  • Pros: Real-time insights, flexible and adaptable, continuous data flow, suits modern data-driven apps, horizontally scalable.
  • Cons: Complex infrastructure, potential consistency issues, requires advanced fault tolerance, resource-intensive, potential data order problems.

Practical examples

  • Batch: Financial statements, daily data backups, data warehouse ETL processes.
  • Stream: Real-time fraud detection, social media sentiment analysis, live analytics dashboards.

Remember: There's no one-size-fits-all solution. Choose the best processing method based on your specific data needs and desired outcomes.


WebSockets and Server-Sent Events

Key Considerations:

  • Communication Direction:

    • WebSockets: Full-duplex, enabling bidirectional, real-time communication between server and client.
    • SSE: Unidirectional, server-to-client only.
  • Data Formats:

    • WebSockets: Support text and binary data.
    • SSE: Limited to UTF-8 text data.
  • Setup Complexity:

    • SSE: Simpler setup, leveraging standard HTTP infrastructure.
    • WebSockets: More complex, requiring a dedicated WebSocket server or library.
  • Browser Compatibility:

    • SSE: Supported by most modern browsers.
    • WebSockets: Near-universal support, but might require fallbacks for older browsers.

Use Cases and Recommendations:

  • WebSockets:

    • Chat apps
    • Real-time collaboration tools
    • Multiplayer games
    • Live dashboards
    • Financial trading platforms
    • Interactive maps
    • IoT device communication
  • SSE:

    • Live stock tickers
    • News feeds
    • Sports scores
    • Notification systems
    • Status updates
    • Social media activity streams

Additional Considerations:

  • Latency: WebSockets generally offer lower latency than SSE.
  • Scalability: WebSockets can handle more concurrent connections, but may require more server resources.
  • Reliability: SSE has built-in reconnection mechanisms, while WebSockets may require manual handling.
  • Security: Both protocols can be secured using TLS/SSL.

Best Practices:

  • Clearly define communication needs: Understand whether bidirectional or unidirectional communication is required.
  • Evaluate data format requirements: Determine if binary data support is necessary.
  • Consider setup and maintenance overhead: Assess the complexity of implementation and management.
  • Test for browser compatibility: Ensure support across target browsers.
  • Plan for scaling and security: Implement measures for handling growth and protecting data.

In Conclusion:

The ideal choice depends on your specific application requirements. Prioritize WebSockets for full-duplex, real-time communication with lower latency and potential for higher scalability. Opt for SSE for simpler, unidirectional updates with less overhead and wider browser compatibility.


Think of caching as having your favorite book readily available on your nightstand, except in the tech world, it's copies of that book scattered across libraries globally for super-fast access. That's distributed caching!

The purpose of caching is to improve the performance and efficiency of a system by reducing the amount of time it takes to access frequently accessed data.



  • Blazing-fast websites: Users worldwide get content from nearby servers, not some faraway library, slashing loading times.
  • Scalability galore: Add more servers as your users and data grow, keeping everyone happily served.
  • Always online: Even if one server stumbles, others pick up the slack, ensuring continuous service.
  • Cost-effective champion: Reduce database load and bandwidth usage, saving you precious resources.

How it works:

  • Data spread across servers: Your book copies (data) are placed on servers closer to users in different regions.
  • Requests fly to the nearest: Users ask for data, and it zooms from the closest server, like grabbing your book from the nearby library.
  • Smart data distribution: Special algorithms ensure data is evenly spread and efficiently retrieved.
  • Always fresh and reliable: Copies are kept up-to-date so you always get the latest edition (data).


  • Choose the right solution: Redis, Memcached, Hazelcast, and more, each caters to different needs.
  • Keep data consistent: Make sure all copies match the original source.
  • Monitor and fine-tune: Optimize your distributed cache for maximum performance and efficiency.

Cache Invalidation

If the data is modified in the database, it should be invalidated in the cache, if not, this can cause inconsistent application behaviour.

Cache Eviction Policies

Following are some of the most common cache eviction policies:

  • First In First Out (FIFO): The cache evicts the first block accessed first without any regard to how often or how many times it was accessed before.
  • Last In First Out (LIFO): The cache evicts the block accessed most recently first without any regard to how often or how many times it was accessed before.
  • Least Recently Used (LRU): Discards the least recently used items first.
  • Most Recently Used (MRU): Discards, in contrast to LRU, the most recently used items first.
  • Least Frequently Used (LFU): Counts how often an item is needed. Those that are used least often are discarded first.
  • Random Replacement (RR): Randomly selects a candidate item and discards it to make space when necessary.


Caching Patterns

If the data is modified in the database, it should be invalidated in the cache, if not, this can cause inconsistent application behavior. There are majorly five patterns to turbocharge your application's data access:

Cache Aside (Lazy Loading)

Cache Aside, also known as Lazy Loading, is a simple yet powerful caching pattern for storing frequently accessed data.


Here's how it works:

1.     Application checks the cache: Your application first tries to find the data you need in the cache. Think of it as peeking on your bookshelf for your favourite book.

2.     Cache hit? You're golden! If the data is there (a "cache hit"), you're all set! The application grabs it from the cache and sends it right back to you, offering super-fast access.

3.     Cache miss, no worries: If the data isn't in the cache (a "cache miss"), no big deal! The application simply retrieves it from the original data source, like fetching your book from the library.

4.     Cache it for later: Once the data is retrieved, the application stores a copy in the cache for future requests. That's like adding your borrowed book to your own shelf for quick future reads.

5.     Next time, straight from the shelf: For subsequent requests for the same data, the application can skip the library trip and grab it directly from the cache, making your future access lightning-fast!


  • Simple to implement: Easy to understand and integrate into your application.
  • Efficiently caches data: Only stores what's actually used, avoiding cluttering the cache.
  • Offers good performance: Delivers fast access for frequently requested data.


  • Potential for stale data: The cached data might become outdated if the source gets updated later.
  • Degraded latency on first request: The initial data retrieval can be slower than subsequent cached reads.

Overall, Cache Aside is a versatile and popular pattern for general-purpose caching, especially in read-heavy scenarios. It's like having a well-stocked personal library for your most-needed books, offering quick access and convenience!



Write Through

In Write Through caching, imagine your favourite book is so precious that you update both your personal copy and the library version simultaneously! That's the essence of this pattern:


1.     Application writes to the cache: Whenever your application writes new data, it first updates the cached copy, just like putting the new edition on your bookshelf.

2.     Cache talks to the database: But unlike you, the cache doesn't keep secrets! It immediately sends the updated data to the original data source, like handing the new book to the librarian.

3.     Database updated, all in sync: Once the database receives the data, it gets written there too, ensuring both the cache and the source have the latest version.

4.     Application gets confirmation: After successfully updating both sides, the cache sends a confirmation back to the application, like a satisfied nod from the librarian.


  • Data consistency guaranteed: No stale data worries, because both cache and database always have the same information.
  • Fast read access: Cached data stays fresh, resulting in quick retrieval for subsequent reads.


  • Slower writes: Updating both cache and database adds an extra step, meaning writes take longer compared to other patterns.
  • Potentially unnecessary cache updates: If most cached data isn't frequently read, writing it to the database might be an unnecessary performance overhead.

Overall, Write Through is ideal for situations where data consistency is crucial and you expect relatively few writes compared to reads. It ensures your personal book and the library copy always match, keeping everyone in the loop!



Read Through

Imagine you're at your friend's library, looking for a book you haven't borrowed before. Read Through caching works like this:

1.     Application checks the cache: You first peek at your friend's bookshelf (the cache) for the book (data).

2.     Cache miss? Ask the librarian (database): If the book isn't there, you politely ask the librarian (the database) to find it.

3.     Librarian hands you the book: The librarian retrieves the book (data) from their collection and gives it to you.

4.     Your friend adds a copy to their shelf: Your friend, seeing you enjoy the book, makes a copy and adds it to their bookshelf (the cache) for future guests.

5.     Next time, straight from the shelf: If you return for another read, the book is now conveniently on your friend's shelf (the cache), offering quicker access.


  • Low read latency for frequently accessed data: Cached data speeds up subsequent requests.
  • Improved read scalability: Handles high read loads efficiently by reducing database trips.


  • Potential data inconsistency: The cached copy might become outdated if the data source is updated later.
  • High latency on a cache miss: The initial data retrieval can be slower than subsequent cached reads.

Overall, Read Through is great for read-heavy workloads where data freshness isn't critical and a high cache miss rate is acceptable. It's like borrowing a book from a friend who updates their library regularly, offering convenience for most reads.


Write Back

Imagine you have a super-fast personal library with a lazy librarian. That's the essence of Write Back caching:


1.     Application writes to the cache: When you add a new book, you place it on your bookshelf (the cache) first.

2.     Cache takes a nap: The librarian (cache) decides to relax for a bit and doesn't immediately update the library's collection (the database).

3.     Application gets a quick confirmation: You get a swift nod saying the book is "added," even though it's only in your personal library for now.

4.     Cache catches up later (asynchronously): Eventually, the librarian wakes up, grabs the new books from your shelf, and updates the library's records, ensuring everyone else can find them too.


  • Fast writes: Updates are nearly instant, as you only need to update the cache.
  • Improved performance: Batching writes to the database can reduce overall load and optimize performance.


  • Risk of data loss: If the cache fails before updating the database, those precious new books might disappear!
  • Complex implementation: Managing asynchronous updates and potential inconsistencies requires careful design.

Overall, Write Back is ideal for write-heavy workloads where speed is crucial, and data durability isn't the top priority. It's like having a speedy personal library with an occasional nap-loving librarian—great for fast additions, but make sure to back up your cache!


Write Around

Write Around caching, like a secret library hidden deep within an ancient castle, prioritizes data security and minimizes unnecessary traffic. 


Here's how it works:

1.     Application writes directly to the source: Imagine you sneak past the guards and scribble on your hidden parchment within the castle vaults (the database). You bypass the public library (the cache) entirely.

2.     Only access the cache for reads: When you need to reference the information, you venture back to the vaults (the database) again, ignoring the library altogether.

3.     Cache stays untouched, unless...: Only if you find yourself repeatedly visiting the same vault location (frequently accessing the same data), do you consider copying that parchment onto a readily accessible shelf in the library (caching the data).


  • Reduced risk of data loss: Updates happen directly in the source, eliminating the chance of cache failures compromising data.
  • Reduced cache pollution: No unnecessary data fills the cache, keeping it lean and efficient for frequently accessed items.


  • High read latency: Initial data access requires trips to the source, making initial reads slower than cached scenarios.
  • High cache miss rate: The cache is less utilized, leading to more database hits.

Overall, Write Around excels in situations where data security and minimizing unnecessary updates are critical, even if it means sacrificing initial read speed. Think of it as a secure, hidden library for your most valuable information, accessed only when absolutely necessary.

Remember, Write Around isn't the fastest pattern, but it prioritizes data integrity and efficiency for specific scenarios.


·        Cache Aside (Lazy Loading): Easiest to implement, caches accessed data only, ideal for general needs and read-heavy workloads.

·        Write Through: Ensures data consistency but slows down writes; good for few writes where fresh data matters.

·        Read Through: Low read latency for frequent reads, but potential inconsistency; okay for high cache miss rate scenarios.

·        Write Back: Fast writes, batch updates, but risky if cache fails; perfect for write-heavy workloads where durability isn't crucial.

·        Write Around: Minimizes data loss and pollution, but suffers high read latency; ideal for rare updates and reads.

Remember: Combine patterns, choose wisely based on needs, and watch your data fly!


Distributed Caching

Distributed caching stores frequently used data across multiple servers, like having copies of your favourite book in libraries worldwide. This makes data access faster and more reliable, especially for geographically distributed applications.



  • Scalability: Add more servers as your data grows, keeping everyone served seamlessly.
  • Fault tolerance: Server failures won't disrupt service; data is available elsewhere.
  • Performance: Data is closer to users, leading to faster response times.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Reduces database load and bandwidth usage.

Key components:

  • Cache servers: Store data across multiple nodes for efficient access.
  • Partitioning: Divides data across servers for balanced distribution and retrieval.
  • Replication: Backs up data on multiple servers for high availability.

Popular solutions:

  • Redis: Versatile, high-performance cache, database, and message broker.
  • Memcached: Simple, powerful cache for dynamic web applications.
  • Hazelcast: Offers caching, messaging, and computing for cloud-native apps.
  • Apache Ignite: In-memory computing platform with distributed caching, data processing, and transactions.

Implementation and best practices:

  • Choose the right solution: Consider your application needs and infrastructure.
  • Configure and deploy: Install software on servers and define data strategies.
  • Integrate with application: Direct data reads and writes to the cache.
  • Monitor and fine-tune: Adjust configurations for optimal performance.
  • Manage cache effectively: Use eviction policies and monitor hit/miss rates.

Remember: Distributed caching is a powerful tool to boost your application's performance, scalability, and user experience. Choose the right solution, manage it effectively, and watch your data access fly!


Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Tired of slow-loading websites? A CDN's your answer! It's a network of geographically distributed group of servers that caches content close to end users. A CDN allows for the quick transfer of assets needed for loading Internet content, including HTML pages, JavaScript files, stylesheets, images, and videos.

 There are two main strategies used by CDNs to deliver content: Pull and Push.

Pull CDN:

  • In a Pull CDN, the cache is updated based on request. When the client sends a request that requires static assets to be fetched from the CDN, if the CDN doesn’t have it, then it will fetch the newly updated assets from the origin server and populate its cache with this new asset, and then send this new cached asset to the user.
  • This requires less maintenance because cache updates on CDN nodes are performed based on requests from the client to the origin server.
  • The main advantage of Pull CDN is that unlike the Push CDN the PoP servers here in this case do all the heavy lifting, while our engineers can just relax and not be too exhausted from maintaining all the push operations.
  • However, this also comes with some disadvantages, if a request to a particular CDN is updating the cache from the origin server to respond to a client, and the same query is re-queried to the same CDN node, this could cause redundant traffic.

Push CDN:

  • In a Push CDN, the assets have to be pushed to the servers. It is the responsibility of the engineers to push the assets to the origin server which will then propagate to other CDN nodes across the network.
  • The assets that are received through propagation are then cached onto these CDN servers such that when a client sends a request the CDN provides this cached asset.
  • While configuring and setting up a Push CDN takes longer, it is far more flexible and precise when it comes to providing the appropriate material at the right moment.
  • If by any chance the engineers don’t update the assets to the origin servers consistently without fail, then the user may receive stale data.

In general, Pull CDN is the preferred method for websites that get a lot of traffic because content remains relatively stable, and the traffic is pretty spread out. If you have a minimal amount of traffic, you might prefer Push CDN because content is pushed to the server once, then left there until changes are needed.



  • Faster websites: Keep visitors happy with speedy loading times.
  • Lower costs: Reduce bandwidth expenses with efficient data caching.
  • High availability: Never worry about downtime thanks to redundancy and failover.
  • Enhanced security: Protect your site from attacks with advanced security features.

How it works:

  • Servers placed near users, reducing travel time for content.
  • Optimizations like compression and smart routing speed things up.
  • Redundancy ensures your site stays online, even if some servers go down.



ACID Transactions

ACID stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability. These are four key properties that ensure reliable and consistent data handling in databases. Imagine them as safety nets for your data:

  • Atomicity: Either all parts of a transaction succeed, or none do. No half-finished updates!
  • Consistency: Data remains valid before and after each transaction. Think of it as keeping the books balanced.
  • Isolation: Transactions don't interfere with each other. One transaction's update won't affect another until it's complete.
  • Durability: Once committed, changes persist even if the system crashes. Consider it as writing in ink, not pencil.


  • Data integrity: ACID protects your data from inconsistencies and corruption.
  • Reliability: Even with failures, transactions ensure updates are correct and completed.
  • Consistency: Data always maintains its logical rules and constraints.


  • Overhead: ACID features add processing steps, potentially impacting performance.
  • Deadlocks: Concurrent transactions waiting for each other can freeze up the system.
  • Scalability: ACID can be challenging to implement in large, distributed systems.


  • BASE: Emphasizes availability over immediate consistency, suitable for high-volume systems.
  • CAP theorem: Explains trade-offs between consistency, availability, and partition tolerance.
  • NoSQL databases: Prioritize scalability and performance over strict ACID guarantees.

When to use ACID

  • Banking, healthcare, e-commerce: Crucial for accurate and secure financial transactions, patient records, and order processing.
  • Mission-critical applications: Where data integrity and reliability are paramount.

Remember: ACID isn't always the best fit. Evaluate your needs and consider alternatives like BASE for more flexible approaches in specific scenarios.




CAP Theorem

Imagine a distributed database: data scattered across different servers. Network failure strikes! Can you access all your data (availability) or ensure it's always up-to-date (consistency)? The distributed system with replicated data can only offer two out of three: Consistency, Availability, and Partition Tolerance (dealing with network hiccups). So, you gotta choose!


CAP Theorem says: pick two!

  • Consistency: Latest data guaranteed, but might be unavailable during errors. (Think accurate bank balance.)

  • Availability: Always accessible, but data might be outdated. (Think online shopping during peak hours.)

  • Partition Tolerance: Must-have for distributed systems – handles network issues.

Think of it as a recipe: high consistency comes with a dash of reduced availability, and vice versa.

Choosing your flavour:

  • SQL databases: Prioritize consistency for accurate data (think finances).
  • NoSQL databases: Offer high availability for always-on services (think online shopping).

So, next time you design a system, remember the CAP Theorem – it's the secret ingredient that keeps your data dancing between consistency and availability.





Data Replication

Data replication also known as database replication, is a method of copying data to ensure that all information stays identical in real-time between all data resources.

Data replication is like a safety net for your information, ensuring identical copies across multiple locations. Think of it as a real-time mirror for your data, constantly reflecting updates, whether across on-prem servers or to the cloud.


Why is it important?

  • Instantaneous updates: Say goodbye to refresh buttons and lag. Data replication keeps everyone in sync, boosting user experience and productivity.
  • Disaster recovery: If your primary server fails, a replica seamlessly takes over, minimizing downtime and protecting critical data.
  • Performance boost: Spread the workload across multiple instances for faster reads and writes, especially with data geographically distributed.
  • Reduced IT effort: Automate data replication and focus on more strategic tasks.

Types of Replication

  • Full vs. Partial: Full replicates everything, while partial focuses on specific data, like financial data in a specific office.
  • Transactional: Real-time mirroring of changes, ideal for consistency but demanding on resources.
  • Snapshot: Captures data at a specific point, useful for backups and recoveries.
  • Merge: Allows independent edits on each node, then merges them all.
  • Key-Based: Efficiently updates only changed data but doesn't replicate deletions.
  • Active-Active Geo-Distribution: Real-time, global data syncing for geographically dispersed centers.

Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Replication

  • Synchronous: Writes happen on both primary and replica simultaneously, maximizing consistency but impacting performance.
  • Asynchronous: Writes on primary first, copied to replica later, faster but prone to data loss in case of failure.

Challenges to Consider

  • Cost: Maintaining multiple instances requires significant resources.
  • Expertise: Skilled professionals are needed to manage and troubleshoot.
  • Network bandwidth: Heavy replication traffic can overload networks.





Data Redundancy

Data redundancy is when multiple copies of the same information are stored in more than one place at a time on same system. This can be helpful for backups and security, but it can also cause problems like increased storage costs, errors, and inaccurate data.


How it happens

Unintentional redundancy can occur through various ways, like duplicate forms, multiple backups, or outdated versions.


  • Database vs. File-based: Redundancy can happen in both, but structured databases typically offer better control.
  • Data replication vs. redundancy: Replication is intentional (for accessibility), while redundancy can be intentional or unintentional.


  • Backups: Provides extra copies in case of data loss.
  • Disaster recovery: Ensures quick restoration after system failures.
  • Data accuracy: Enables cross-checking for discrepancies.
  • Improved data protection: Minimizes attack surface and data access points.
  • Increased availability: Makes data accessible from multiple locations.
  • Business continuity: Protects against data loss from internal issues or malware.


  • Data corruption: Errors during storage or transfer can corrupt copies.
  • Increased maintenance costs: Requires managing multiple copies.
  • Data discrepancies: Updates may not be applied to all copies.
  • Slow performance: Database functions can be hindered.
  • Storage waste: Duplicate data takes up unnecessary space.

Reducing redundancy

  • Delete unused data: Implement data lifecycle rules and monitoring.
  • Design efficient databases: Use common fields and architectures.
  • Set goals and plans: Aim for reduction, not complete elimination.
  • Use data management systems: Identify and address redundancy issues.
  • Implement master data strategy: Integrate data from various sources for better management and quality.
  • Standardize data: Makes redundancy and errors easier to detect.

Remember: Data redundancy can be both friend and foe. Use it strategically for backups and security, but actively manage it to avoid the pitfalls.




Database Scaling

When your application becomes popular, it needs to scale to meet the demand. Nobody sticks around if an application is slow — not willingly, anyway.


Scaling Approaches

  • Vertical Scaling: Increase resources on one node (like upgrading your computer). Simple, but limited growth.
  • Horizontal Scaling: Add more nodes to share the workload (like adding more computers). More complex, but scales further.


Horizontal Scaling Techniques

  • Sharding: Split data across multiple nodes. Easy to implement, but requires managing the shard selector and can have imbalance issues.
  • Read Replicas: Dedicated nodes for read requests, improving read performance without affecting writes. Simple and improves availability, but doesn't improve write performance.
  • Active-Active: All nodes handle both reads and writes, maximizing performance. Most complex, requires conflict resolution logic in your application.
  • Active-Active Geo-Distribution: Active-Active across geographically distributed clusters, for global reach and improved latency. Advanced solution, managed by Redis Enterprise.

Choosing the Right Option

  • Consider your performance needs, data size, budget, and technical expertise.
  • Start with simple options like vertical scaling or read replicas if complexity is a concern.
  • Sharding and Active-Active offer more scalability, but require careful planning and implementation.
  • Active-Active Geo-Distribution is for global deployments with high demands.

Remember: Scaling is a powerful tool, but choose wisely based on your specific needs and capabilities.




Database Sharding

Your database is struggling under the weight of your application's rapid growth. More users, features, and data mean bottlenecks and slow performance. Sharding might be the answer, but understanding its pros, cons, and use cases is crucial before diving in.

What is Database Sharding?

Sharding splits your database across multiple servers, distributing the data load and increasing capacity. Imagine slicing a pizza: each shard (slice) holds a portion of the data, spread across different servers.


Do You Need Sharding?

Consider alternatives before sharding:

  • Vertical scaling: Upgrade your existing server's hardware like RAM or CPU.
  • Specialized services: Offload specific tasks like file storage or analytics to dedicated services.
  • Replication: Make read-heavy data available on multiple servers for faster access.

When Sharding Shines

  • High read/write volume: Sharding handles both reads and writes effectively, especially when confined to specific shards.
  • Large storage needs: Increase total storage capacity by adding more shards as needed.
  • High availability: Replica sets within each shard ensure data remains accessible even if a shard fails.

The Downsides of Sharding

  • Query overhead: Routing queries across shards adds latency, especially for queries spanning multiple shards.
  • Administrative complexity: Managing multiple servers and shard distribution increases upkeep requirements.
  • Infrastructure costs: Sharding requires more computing power, pushing up expenses.

How Does Sharding Work?


  • Data distribution: Define how data is spread across shards. Popular methods include range-based (data ranges assigned to shards), hashed (hash function determines shard), and entity/relationship-based (keeps related data together).
  • Query routing: Determine how queries are routed to the appropriate shards.
  • Shard maintenance: Plan for redistributing data and adding new shards over time.

Sharding Architectures

  • Ranged/dynamic sharding: Easy to understand, relies on a suitable shard key and well-defined ranges.
  • Algorithmic/hashed sharding: Evenly distributes data but may require rebalancing and hinder multi-record queries.
  • Entity-/relationship-based sharding: Improves performance for related data access but can limit flexibility.
  • Geography-based sharding: Ideal for geographically distributed data, improves performance and reduces latency.

Remember: Sharding is a powerful tool for large applications with demanding data needs. But weigh the complexity and costs against alternative solutions before making the leap. Choose the right sharding architecture based on your specific data distribution and query patterns.




Choosing the right database architecture: When building applications, one of the biggest decisions is picking between structured (SQL) and unstructured (NoSQL) data storage. Both have unique strengths and cater to different needs, making this choice crucial for optimal data management.


Key Differences

  • Structure: SQL uses rigid tables and predefined schemas, while NoSQL offers flexible document-based or key-value structures.
  • Queries: SQL excels at complex relational queries, while NoSQL focuses on simple key-based lookups or document searches.
  • Scalability: SQL scales vertically (adding more power to a single server), while NoSQL scales horizontally (adding more servers to the network).
  • Transactions: SQL guarantees ACID properties (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) for data integrity, while NoSQL may not.

When to use SQL

  • Structured data: When data has a predefined schema and relationships between tables are well-defined.
  • Complex queries: When your application needs to perform complex joins and analysis across multiple tables.
  • Transactions: When data integrity is critical, and ACID properties are essential.

When to use NoSQL

  • Unstructured data: When data is dynamic, semi-structured, or constantly evolving.
  • High performance: When your application needs fast responses and high scalability for large datasets.
  • Simple queries: When basic lookups and document searches are sufficient for your needs.

Popular Databases

  • SQL: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server
  • NoSQL: MongoDB, Cassandra, Redis, Couchbase, DynamoDB

NewSQL: a hybrid approach combining SQL’s ACID guarantees with NoSQL’s scalability. Useful for applications needing both features.

Remember: There's no one-size-fits-all solution. Analyze your data and application needs to choose the best fit.





Database Indexes

An index is a database structure that you can use to improve the performance of database activity. A database table can have one or more indexes associated with it.


What are indexes?

  • Database structures for faster record retrieval.
  • Think of them as bookmarks in a book, quickly directing you to specific pages.


  • Boosts search speed: Especially for large tables.
  • Improves select queries: Particularly effective for conditions matching the index expression.


  • Slower inserts/updates/deletes: Maintaining indexes adds processing overhead.
  • Increased disk space: Indexes consume additional storage.

Choosing the right indexes

  • Consider how you use the table: More retrievals? Create indexes for search criteria.
  • One field queries: Simple indexes on individual fields.
  • Multi-field queries: Concatenated indexes for frequently combined conditions.
  • AND vs. OR: Indexes work well for AND conditions, not OR.

Tips for optimal indexing

  • Match index expression to selection conditions.
  • Use concatenated indexes for frequent multi-field searches.
  • Prioritize AND conditions over OR in the Where clause.

Joins & indexes

  • Indexes on second table's join field significantly improve performance.
  • Create indexes on join fields for subsequent tables in the From clause.


  • Indexes aren't a magic bullet. Analyze your database usage and create indexes strategically.
  • Too many indexes can be counterproductive. Find the balance for optimal performance.



Strong vs Eventual Consistency


Imagine your laptop notes like data in a distributed system.

  • Master-Slave: This is like copying your notes to an external drive. Both versions are consistent, but updating the drive takes time. You might read stale notes if it hasn't been updated recently.
  • Eventual: Think of this as sending your notes to Dropbox. Updates happen eventually, but not instantly. Reading before an update reaches Dropbox could give you outdated information.
  • Strong: This is like typing directly on your notes in Dropbox. Updates are immediate and everyone sees the latest version. But writing takes longer as Dropbox syncs with all devices.

Choosing the right model depends on your needs

  • High availability: Eventual wins for fast reads and uptime, even if data might be stale sometimes.
  • Data consistency: Strong guarantees the freshest data, but reading/writing might be slower.
  • Simple application logic: Strong keeps things predictable, but eventual can be easier to manage.

Remember: Each model has its trade-offs. Choose the one that best balances your needs for availability, consistency, and performance.

Bonus: Linearizability and Causal Consistency are stricter cousins of Strong and Eventual, respectively. They offer finer control over data ordering for specific situations.



Fault Tolerance

Fault tolerance describes a system's ability to handle errors and outages without significant disruption. Think of it as a system's backup plan when things go wrong.

Why is it important?

Uptime is crucial for mission-critical applications. High availability, achieved through fault tolerance, minimizes downtime and keeps your system running smoothly even during hiccups.

Key concepts

  • Multiple hardware/software: Redundancy is key. Having backups for servers, databases, and software instances ensures continuity during failures.
  • Backup power: Generators and failover systems protect against power outages.
  • Graceful degradation: Some outages might result in reduced functionality, but the system remains mostly operational.
  • Survival goals: Define how much the system should handle, from single node failures to entire cloud region outages.
  • Cost vs. impact: Weigh the cost of fault-tolerant setups against potential losses from downtime.

Real-world example

A major electronics company needed a scalable, fault-tolerant database. Manually sharding MySQL seemed complex and expensive. Migrating to CockroachDB, a managed, inherently fault-tolerant database, reduced manual tasks and saved millions in labor costs.


Different fault tolerance approaches

  • Cloud-based, multi-region architecture: Microservices running in Kubernetes clusters across regions provide high availability for both application and database layers.
  • CockroachDB: This distributed SQL database offers inherent fault tolerance and scales horizontally, eliminating the need for manual sharding.

Remember: Fault tolerance is a spectrum. Choose the level that suits your needs and budget, aiming for minimal disruption and maximum user experience.




Network Protocols

The network protocols are like the traffic laws of computer networks. They define how devices communicate, ensuring orderly and efficient data exchange.



Here's a focused look at two key layers and their primary protocols:

  • Application Layer (Layer 7): Manages specific application tasks and data interactions.
  • Transport Layer (Layer 4): Manages data delivery and reliability between applications.

Application Layer (Layer 7)

  • HTTP: Web content transfer
  • HTTPS: Secure HTTP with encryption
  • FTP: File transfers
  • SMTP: Email
  • DNS: Domain name resolution
  • WebSockets: Full-duplex, real-time communication between web browsers and servers
  • WebRTC: Peer-to-peer audio/video communication and data exchange

Transport Layer (Layer 4)

  • TCP: Reliable, connection-oriented delivery (like sending a tracked package)
    • Used by HTTP, HTTPS, WebSockets, WebRTC, and many others for guaranteed delivery.
  • UDP: Unreliable, connectionless, faster but lossy (like sending a postcard)
    • Used for real-time applications (streaming, gaming) where some loss is acceptable.

Key Considerations for System Design:

  • Application Needs: Match protocols to specific requirements (e.g., WebSockets for chat, WebRTC for video calls, TCP for file transfers, UDP for real-time gaming).
  • Network Conditions: Consider bandwidth, latency, and reliability.
  • Security: Implement appropriate measures based on protocol vulnerabilities.
  • Interoperability: Ensure compatibility between devices and systems.
  • Reliability vs. Speed: TCP for critical data, UDP for real-time applications where some loss is acceptable.
  • Latency: WebRTC often offers lower latency than WebSockets.
  • Scalability: WebSockets excel in scalability for server-client communication.



Proxy Server

A proxy server is a system or router that provides a gateway between users and the internet. Therefore, it helps prevent cyber attackers from entering a private network. It is a server, referred to as an “intermediary” because it goes between end-users and the web pages they visit online.


What it is

  • Gateway between users and the internet.
  • Protects private networks from cyberattacks.
  • Acts as an intermediary for web requests.


  • Enhanced security: Acts as a firewall, hiding your IP address.
  • Privacy: Browse, watch, and listen privately.
  • Location access: Bypass geo-restrictions.
  • Content control: Block unwanted websites for employees.
  • Bandwidth saving: Cache files and compress traffic.


  • Forward: Single point of entry for internal networks.
  • Transparent: Undetectable, seamless user experience.
  • Anonymous: Hides identity and computer information.
  • High anonymity: Further erases information before connection.
  • Distorting: Hides its own identity while showing a fake location.
  • Data center: Fast and inexpensive, but not highly anonymous.
  • Residential: Uses real, physical devices for increased trust.
  • Public: Free but slow and potentially risky.
  • Shared: Affordable but prone to misuse by others.
  • SSL: Provides encrypted communication for enhanced security.
  • Rotating: Assigns different IP addresses for anonymity and web scraping.
  • Reverse: Forwards requests to web servers and balances load.

How it works

1.     User sends request to proxy.

2.     Proxy forwards request to website.

3.     Website sends response to proxy.

4.     Proxy forwards response to user.

Choosing a proxy

  • Consider your needs: security, privacy, location, etc.
  • Compare different types and providers.
  • Balance cost and performance.

Remember: Public proxies are risky, prioritize trusted providers.





Latency vs Throughput

Latency and throughput are two metrics that measure the performance of a computer network. Latency is the delay in network communication. It shows the time that data takes to transfer across the network. Networks with a longer delay or lag have high latency, while those with fast response times have lower latency. In contrast, throughput refers to the average volume of data that can actually pass through the network over a specific time. It indicates the number of data packets that arrive at their destinations successfully and the data packet loss. In other words, how much data a server can process within a given time frame. If server is able to process more data in than server has heigh throughput else low throughput.



Network Performance: Key Metrics Explained

Three vital measures:

  • Latency: Delay in data transfer, impacting response times (low = fast, high = slow).
  • Throughput: Volume of data transferred over time, indicating capacity (high = handles lots of data, low = easily overloaded).
  • Bandwidth: Bandwidth refers to the amount of data that can be transmitted and received during a specific period of time.

Why they matter:

  • Speed: Determine overall network speed and user experience.
  • Efficiency: Low latency ensures responsiveness, high throughput supports many users.
  • Impact: High performance boosts revenue and operational efficiency.

Measuring them:

  • Latency: Ping time (round-trip) in milliseconds (lower = better).
  • Throughput: Network testing tools or manual calculations (divide file size by transfer time).


  • Latency: Milliseconds (ms).
  • Throughput: Bits per second (bps), kilobytes per second (KBps), megabytes per second (MBps), gigabytes per second (GBps).
  • Bandwidth: Bits per second (bps), kilobytes per second (KBps), megabytes per second (MBps), gigabytes per second (GBps).

Bandwidth vs Throughput

While throughput and bandwidth may seem similar, there are some notable differences between them. If bandwidth is the pipe, then throughput is the water running through the pipe. The bigger the pipe, the higher the bandwidth, which means a greater amount of water can move through at any given time.

In a network, bandwidth availability determines the number of data packets that can be transmitted and received during a specific time period, while throughput informs you of the number of packets actually sent and received.

Influencing factors:

  • Latency: Location, congestion, protocols, network infrastructure.
  • Throughput: Bandwidth, processing power, packet loss, network topology.


  • Both work together for optimal performance.
  • Bandwidth sets the upper limit for throughput.
  • Low latency improves efficiency even with limited bandwidth.

Takeaway: Understand and optimize latency and throughput for a responsive, efficient network that supports your needs.





Failover is the ability to seamlessly and automatically switch to a reliable backup system. Either redundancy or moving into a standby operational mode when a primary system component fails should achieve failover and reduce or eliminate negative user impact.

What it is

  • Automatic switch to a backup system when the primary fails.
  • Reduces downtime and protects against disasters.
  • Achieved through redundancy or standby systems.


  • Failover: Automatic, triggered by heartbeat signals.
  • Switchover: Manual intervention needed.
  • Clusters: Groups of servers for continuous availability.


  • Minimal downtime: Services stay online during failures.
  • Data protection: Prevents data loss in case of outages.
  • Improved reliability: Systems remain operational most of the time.


  • Active-Active: Both servers active, load balanced.
  • Active-Standby: One server active, one on standby.

Common Failovers

  • SQL Server: Redundant servers and shared storage.
  • DHCP: Multiple servers share IP address assignment.
  • DNS: Backup IP addresses for server redirection.
  • Application Server: Separate servers with load balancing.

Important details

  • Failover testing validates system recovery capabilities.
  • Secure communication crucial for failover partners.
  • VMware NSX offers high availability clusters for load balancers.

Gossip Protocol

Gossip protocol is like the grapevine for your computer network, spreading information quickly and efficiently like rumors through small towns. Here's the lowdown:

What it does:

  • Imagine messages hopping from node to node in your network, whispering the latest news to each other.
  • Each node randomly picks a few neighbors and shares the messages it knows.
  • These neighbors repeat the process, spreading the messages further like ripples in a pond.
  • Eventually, everyone in the network gets the news, even if it takes a few whispers.

Why it's useful:

  • Fast updates: Information spreads quickly without a central hub, keeping everyone in the loop.
  • Resilient to failures: Even if some nodes go down, the gossip continues through other paths.
  • Scalable: Works well for large networks with many nodes, just like gossip thrives in big communities.
  • Simple to implement: No complex infrastructure needed, just nodes talking to each other.

Real-world examples:

  • Service discovery: Nodes learn about each other's availability and capabilities.
  • Data replication: Updates reach all nodes, keeping everyone's data consistent.
  • Distributed consensus: Nodes agree on a common state even without a central authority.

Challenges to consider:

  • False rumors: Inaccuracy can spread alongside rumors, requiring verification mechanisms.
  • Overload: Too much gossip can overwhelm nodes, affecting network performance.
  • Inefficiency: Redundant transmissions can occur, especially in dense networks.

Overall, gossip protocol is a powerful tool for information dissemination in decentralized networks, offering speed, resilience, and scalability with inherent challenges to manage.





Domain Name System (DNS)

Ever wondered how you type in a website address like "" and instantly see the news? It's all thanks to a hidden world of servers called the Domain Name System (DNS), the phonebook of the internet.



Imagine DNS as a librarian: you ask for a book (website), the librarian (resolver) checks the catalog (root nameservers), finds the section (TLD servers), locates the shelf (domain nameserver), and grabs the book (IP address). This address then tells your computer where to find the website's data.

Here's the behind-the-scenes magic:


  • 8 Steps to Web Magic:

1.     You type "".

2.     Your computer asks a DNS resolver (librarian) for the address.

3.     The resolver checks the root nameserver (catalog) for the ".com" section.

4.     The root nameserver points to the TLD server (.com).

5.     The TLD server points to the domain nameserver (shelf) for "".

6.     The domain nameserver gives the IP address (book) to the resolver.

7.     The resolver sends the IP address to your computer.

8.     Your computer connects to the IP address and displays the website!

Up to four different types of servers can be involved in a DNS lookup, depending on whether the information is cached or not:

1.     DNS Resolver: This is your first point of contact, like a helpful librarian who starts the search for the address.

2.     Root Nameserver: A directory for top-level domains (like .com, .org, etc.), guiding the resolver to the right section of the internet library.

3.     TLD (Top-Level Domain) Server: A specialist for a specific domain category, narrowing down the search for the exact shelf.

4.     Authoritative Nameserver: The guardian of IP addresses for a specific domain, providing the final book (IP address) the resolver needs.

Not every lookup involves all four types:

  • If the resolver has the IP address cached (stored in its memory), it can skip the search and provide a direct answer, like a librarian who knows where a popular book is.
  • If the resolver has information about the authoritative nameserver, it can directly query that server, bypassing the root and TLD servers, like asking a subject expert for a specific book.

Caching: This librarian remembers! DNS servers often store recently requested addresses to speed up future searches.

Types of Queries:

  • Recursive: The librarian finds the address for you (like asking for a specific book).
  • Iterative: The librarian points you to other librarians who might know (like asking for a general genre).
  • Non-recursive: The librarian already has the address in its memory (like knowing where a popular book is).

Benefits of a Good DNS: faster websites, fewer errors, and a more reliable internet experience.

Remember: DNS is the invisible force that connects you to the information you crave online. So next time you visit a website, take a moment to appreciate the magic behind the scenes!




Bloom Filters

Bloom filters are like probabilistic bouncers for your data sets. They offer quick, space-efficient membership checks with a slight risk of letting imposters in, but they're great for large datasets where speed and memory matters.


What they do:

  • Imagine a big party with a million guests. A traditional guest list would be huge and slow to check.
  • A Bloom filter uses a few strategically placed bouncers (hash functions) at different doorways.
  • Each bouncer asks a different "are you X?" question, based on the guest's name (data element).
  • If all bouncers say "yes," the guest is definitely on the list (element is definitely in the set).
  • But if even one bouncer says "no," the guest might be an imposter (element might not be in the set).

Why they're useful:

  • Fast & compact: Checking millions of items becomes super quick, saving time and memory.
  • Good for large sets: Ideal for massive datasets where traditional methods like searching through lists become cumbersome.
  • Trade-off with accuracy: Slight chance of false positives (imposters getting in), but often worth it for the speed and efficiency.

Real-world uses:

  • Spell checking: Quickly suggesting potential words while you type, even if they're not exactly in the dictionary.
  • Caching: Checking if a web page has been accessed before, without storing the entire page in memory.
  • Network security: Identifying potential spam or malware before it enters your network.

Not perfect, but powerful:

  • False positives can happen, but the risk can be minimized with careful configuration.
  • Not ideal for situations where absolute accuracy is crucial.

Overall, Bloom filters are a clever tool for fast and efficient membership checks in large datasets, even if they have a slight chance of letting a few imposters slip through.





Consistent Hashing

Consistent hashing is a hashing technique that performs really well when operated in a dynamic environment where the distributed system scales up and scales down frequently.

Consistent hashing is a specific kind of hashing in which when a hash table is re-sized i.e when the number of servers in the server pool change, only k/n keys need to be remapped on an average, where k is the number of keys, and n is the number of servers.



Problem: Efficiently store and retrieve data in a dynamic distributed system (scales up/down frequently).

Solution: Consistent hashing - maps data and servers to a virtual ring, minimizing data movement and load imbalance during server changes.

How does consistent hashing work ?

It has two main components- Hash Space and Hash Ring. Hash space is the range of the output of the hash function. Those outputs are assigned a position on the hash ring. It operates independently of the number of servers or objects in a distributed hash table by assigning them a position on a hash ring. If we map the hash output range onto the edge of a circle, it would mean that the minimum possible hash value, zero, would correspond to an angle of zero and the maximum possible value 360 degrees, and all other hash values would linearly fit somewhere in between.


  • Minimal remapping: Adding/removing servers affects only nearby data items.
  • Balanced load: Data evenly distributed, preventing hotspots.
  • Scalability: System handles server changes seamlessly.

Key Concepts:

  • Hash functions: Map data/servers to positions on the ring. Choose a good function (e.g., SHA-1) for randomness and collision resistance.
  • Virtual nodes: Create multiple per server for finer data distribution and server failure resilience.
  • Rendezvous hashing: Uses two-dimensional space for mapping, simplifying data locality checks.

High-Level Design Considerations:

  • Replication: Define data redundancy strategy for availability and fault tolerance.
  • Load balancing: Adjust data distribution based on server load/performance.
  • Monitoring: Track the hash ring for potential issues (hotspots, server failures).

Real-world examples: BitTorrent (peer-to-peer networks), Akamai (web caches).






Distributed Consensus

In a distributed system, multiple computers (known as nodes) are mutually connected with each other and collaborate with each other through message passing. Now, during computation, they need to agree upon a common value to coordinate among multiple processes. This phenomenon is known as Distributed Consensus.


Imagine this: Maya and Akash were feeling sporty. Akash proposed a game of cricket, his favorite pastime. Maya, a big cricket fan herself, immediately agreed. Without needing anything further, they both grabbed their gear and headed to the park – united in their enthusiasm for the common activity. This mutual agreement on a shared choice, in this case, cricket, is what we call consensus.

  • What it is: Multiple computers (nodes) agree on a single value during computations, ensuring coordination and consistency.
  • Why it's needed: When nodes perform distributed tasks, they need a common reference point to stay in sync.
  • How it works: Nodes communicate using protocols (like voting or proof-based approaches) to reach agreement.
  • Challenges: Faulty nodes (crashed or behaving abnormally) can disrupt the process, requiring robust protocols.

Key points:

  • Agreement: All non-faulty nodes must agree on the same value.
  • Validity: The agreed value must come from a non-faulty node.
  • Termination: Every non-faulty node eventually agrees on a value.
  • Crash vs. Byzantine failures: Crash failures are easier to handle than Byzantine failures, where faulty nodes actively mislead others.


  • Blockchain: Nodes agree on the state of the ledger (transaction history).
  • Google PageRank: Nodes agree on the ranking of web pages.
  • Load balancing: Nodes agree on how to distribute workloads effectively.

Consensus algorithms:

  • Voting-based: Like democratic elections, nodes vote on a value. (e.g., Paxos, Raft)
  • Proof-based: Nodes provide proof (e.g., work done) to contribute to decisions. (e.g., Proof of Work, Proof of Stake)

Distributed consensus is a critical building block for reliable and coordinated operation in decentralized systems.






Distributed Locking

Imagine multiple applications sharing a resource, like a shared file or database record. To avoid collisions and data corruption, we need Distributed Locking. It's like taking a ticket at a theme park before riding a popular attraction, but for applications instead of people.



Here's how it works:

1.     Application requests a lock: An application asks a "lock manager" (like a ticket booth) for exclusive access to the resource.

2.     Lock manager grants or denies: The manager checks if the resource is locked. If free, it grants the lock to the requesting application.

3.     Application uses the resource: The application safely accesses and modifies the resource, knowing no other application can do the same.

4.     Application releases the lock: When done, the application releases the lock, freeing it for others.

This ensures:

  • Mutual exclusion: Only one application can access the resource at a time, preventing data conflicts.
  • Correctness: Applications can rely on consistent data without worrying about concurrent modifications.

Benefits of Distributed Locking

  • Scalability: Handles many applications accessing resources concurrently.
  • Performance: Prevents wasted effort from applications trying to access locked resources.
  • Reliability: Even if some components fail, locks remain secure.

Examples of Distributed Locking

  • Coordinating updates to inventory levels in an online store.
  • Preventing double-booking of appointments in a scheduling system.
  • Ensuring consistent processing of financial transactions.

Different implementations exist

  • Redis with Redlock algorithm: Lightweight but might have limitations for strict correctness.
  • ZooKeeper: Robust consensus system for highly secure locking.
  • Database-level locking: Built-in locking mechanisms in databases like MySQL or PostgreSQL.

Choosing the right locking approach depends on your specific needs. Consider factors like:

  • Required level of correctness: Are occasional lock failures acceptable, or is absolute accuracy crucial?
  • Performance needs: How many applications need to access the resource concurrently?
  • Complexity and overhead: Can you handle the setup and maintenance of a more complex locking system?

Redlock's flaws:

  • Unnecessarily complex: For efficiency-based locks, simpler single-node Redis locking suffices. Redlock's heavier setup isn't worth the benefit.
  • Unsafe for correctness: When lock accuracy matters, Redlock fails due to:
    • Timing assumptions: It relies on unrealistic expectations like bounded network delays and clock accuracy, failing if violated (e.g., network delays exceeding lock expiry).
    • Lack of fencing tokens: It lacks a mechanism to prevent concurrent modifications after delays or pauses, causing data corruption.


  • Efficiency-only locks: Use single-node Redis with clear documentation highlighting the approximate nature of the locks.
  • Correctness-critical locks: Avoid Redlock.
    • Use a proper consensus system like ZooKeeper with fencing tokens enforced.
    • Consider databases with strong transactional guarantees.


  • Redis, when used appropriately, is a valuable tool.
  • Choose the right tool for the job: Redlock isn't suitable for everything.






Checksums: like digital fingerprints for files, ensuring authenticity and completeness.

How they work: a complex algorithm (hash function) creates a unique string (checksum) from your file. Any change, even tiny, results in a completely different checksum.

Use cases

  • Verifying downloads: compare downloaded file's checksum to source's (provided alongside the file) to ensure no errors during transfer.
  • Checking file integrity: compare checksums over time to detect accidental or malicious changes.


  • Peace of mind: knowing your files are genuine and error-free.
  • Security: detecting corrupted or tampered files.
  • Efficiency: avoid wasting time installing or running corrupted programs.

Getting started

  • Checksum calculators: free tools like FCIV, IgorWare Hasher, or JDigest generate checksums for your files.
  • Online tools: upload your file to websites like MD5 file checksum tool to get its checksum.

Remember: checksums are a simple yet powerful way to protect your data and avoid trouble. Use them!




  1. SLA (Service Level Agreement): An SLA is a contract between a service provider and the end user that defines the level of service expected from the service provider. SLAs are output-based in that their purpose is specifically to define what the customer will receiveSLAs are typically made up of one or more SLOs.

  2. SLO (Service Level Objective): SLOs are specific measurable characteristics of the SLA such as availability, throughput, frequency, response time, or quality. These objectives must be met to achieve the SLA. They are often agreed upon between the provider and consumer of a service.

  3. SLI (Service Level Indicator): SLIs are metrics or measures used to define the SLOs. They measure compliance with an SLO. For example, if your SLA specifies that your systems will be available 99.95% of the time, your SLO is likely 99.95% uptime and your SLI is the actual measurement of your uptime.

Here are some benefits of using SLAs, SLOs, and SLIs:

  • They allow companies to define, track, and monitor the promises made for a service to its users.
  • They help teams generate more user trust in their services with an added emphasis on continuous improvement to incident management and response processes.
  • They ensure that metrics are closely tied to business objectives.

However, there are also some challenges:

  • SLAs are notoriously difficult to measure, report on, and meet.
  • These agreements often make promises that are difficult for teams to measure.
  • They don’t always align with current and ever-evolving business priorities, and don’t account for nuance.
  • They require collaboration between IT, DevOps, legal, and business development to develop SLAs that address real-world scenarios.







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